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Easier, Faster & Smarter

Why NSVCad ?

  1. Expertise and Certification:

    Developed by NFPA-certified professionals, NSVCad brings industry-leading expertise to fire protection design.

  2. Dedicated Development:

    We’ve invested over 35,000 hours in crafting NSVCad, ensuring its reliability and robustness.

  3. Compliance Made Easy:

    NSVCad simplifies compliance with NFPA and IBC requirements for both active and passive safety fire protection systems.

Sprinkler Design Guide

Sprinkler Design Guide is a tool for accessing the design requirements with an easy and quick process.                                            

Foam Design Guide

Provides design criteria plus many videos and examples for understanding foam systems concepts easily and accurately.         

Preparation Layout Apps

Tools enable you to quickly clean up and prepare layouts for placing fire protection elements.                                                                                                   

NFPA 13, 13R & 13D Apps

Apps to assist in implementing the NFPA requirements in the design of fire sprinkler systems.                                                                                              


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