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NSVCad Sprinkler Module: List of Commands

This document is a resource for users of the NSVCad Sprinkler Module.
It provides a list of commands and their functions.
By familiarizing yourself with these commands, you can effectively navigate the software, utilize its features, and streamline your fire sprinkler design process.
Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, this reference guide will empower you
to harness the full potential of the NSVCad Sprinkler Module.

Clean Blocks

Command: NCB
Description: Selects similar blocks and removes them from the drawing.

Clean Nested Blocks

Command: NDNB
Description: Removes extra blocks nested in other blocks.

Edit Nested Block

Command: NENB
Description: Removes extra components from a block.

Force Background Layer

Command: NFBL
Description: Sets all components of a drawing to a specific layer.

Force Background Color

Command: NFBC
Description: Sets all components of a drawing to a specific color.


Retrieve Background Color/Layer

Command: NRB
Description: Retrieves or changes a block color after running force background color/layer app.

Force Lineweight

Command: NFL
Description: Sets Line weight, Thickness, and Global width of line and polyline objects to zero.

Hatch Transparency

Command: NHAT
Description: Sets a hatch transparency for all hatch objects

Trim Gridline

Command: NTG
Description: Trims grid lines of a drawing from one side.

Z Remove

Command: NZR
Description: Removes the Z value of objects even in block references.

Ceiling Hatch Code

Description: Assists in noting the hatch’s elevation of ceilings or soffits.


List of Material

Command: NLOM
Description: Provides a list of materials.


Unit Converter

Command: NCV
Description: Converts length and area units in metric and imperial.



Sprinkler Design Guide

Command: NSDG
Description: Provides design criteria for Sprinkler systems in accordance with the NFPA13, 2016.



Foam Design Guide

Command: NFDG
Description: Provides design criteria for Sprinkler systems in accordance with the NFPA13, 2016.


Occupancy Requirements

Command: NOR
Description: Provides NFPA requirements based on the occupancies.


Sprinkler Layout

Command: NSL
Description: Assists user to locate sprinklers in compliance with NFPA 13, 13R, and 13D.


Sprinkler Arrange

Command: NSA
Description: Locates sprinklers uniformly.


Sprinkler In Tile

Command: NSIT
Description: Assists in locating the sprinkler in the center of the tiles.


Toggle Coverage

Command: NTSC
Description: Toggles the coverage of sprinklers.


Find ACA

Command: NAC
Description: Calculates the Actual Coverage of Sprinklers.


Create PCA

Command: NPC
Description: Inserts sprinkler with Potential Coverage Area.

Define Layout

Command: NLD
Description: Defines the walls and soffits.


Beam & Column Rule

Command: NBC
Description: Applies the beam rule and creates the column’s shadow based on the Three or Four times rules.


Shadow Checker

Command: NSHR
Description: Shows the shadow area of a sprinkler.



Soffit Rule

Command: NSR
Description: Assists in finding the minimum distance from soffits.


Cloud Ceiling

Command: NCC
Description: Provides the coverage area of sprinklers where the cloud ceiling rule is applicable.


Open Grid Ceiling

Command: NOG
Description: Checks whether the ceiling is open grid or not.


Slatted Ceiling

Command: NSC
Description: Checks whether a slatted ceiling can be considered an open grid.


Ceiling Pocket

Command: NCP

Description: Checks whether the ceiling pocket rule is applicable or not.


Pipe Size

Command: NPS
Description: Notes the size of the pipes.



Command: NPI
Description: Assists in drawing branch lines and cross mains with a thick visual line.


3D Pipe to Line

Command: NPLN
Description: Converts 3D pipes created by Autosprink into a single line.


Break Pipe

Command: NBP
Description: Breaks the visual crossing pipe over other pipes.


Sprinkler LOM

Command: NSLOM
Description: Provides a table containing the types and quantity of sprinklers in the layout.


Insert Sprinkler

Command: NIS
Description: Inserts different types of sprinkler symbols.


Insert Device

Command: NID
Description: Inserts the symbol of the valve or device into the CAD as per NFPA 170.


Replace Sprinkler Block

Command: NRSB
Description: Replaces block symbols with the selected symbol.

Insert Node

Command: NIN
Description: Insets hydraulic calculations nodes.


General Note

Command: NGN
Description: Provides general notes on the drawing.


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